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 Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?

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Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all? Empty
MessageSujet: Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?   Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all? Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 15:13

Hello.RipGuard on R2 PAL discs from UK--DVD Shrink Cannot recognize the 80+ title files - I wonder what is the reason for these new systems putting about 60 titles on the disc? Such as Skins 4? I just play the disc on a computer, note the correct title time and title number, then I can find which title to rip. Question is, Why does DVD HD Fab Decrypter rip the individial chosen file so well, and why does DVD Shrink not even register them (sometimes it shows them all, sometimes it can't) and why can't DVD Shrink choose one to rip? I mean, it won't even be able to test the file. Thank God for HD Fab Decrpyter. I use that to rip, VObBlanker to change to NTSC, then DVD Shrink to reapportion and fix, then burn. Anyone else have easier free ways to do this, let me know, though I've never had a problem using this method (on Up, Cheri, etc.). What is this new thing called of loading up the disc with different, false, scrambled, titles?
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Dude, so much AD here, why not clean them all?
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